Microsoft Power BI Course


The Power BI Course Curriculum is Designed by Microsoft Power BI Certified Experts.

Our Power BI Course Syllabus covers basic to advanced level concepts that consist of Report Designing, Visual Sync, Grouping, Hierarchies, Filters, Bookmarks, Azure, Modeling, DAX Functions - Level 1, DAX Functions - Level 2, Power BI Cloud, Excel & RLS, Report Server, RDL and more.

Get Practical Exposure on Microsoft Power BI for Data Analytics and Visualization with Our Updated Power BI Training Course Content.

Key Features

Introduction to Power BI: Understand what Power BI is and its advantages.

Data Handling: Learn to import, clean, and transform data from different sources.

Data Modeling: Build data models, create relationships, and use DAX for calculations.

Data Visualization: Create interactive reports with charts, tables, and maps.

Power BI Desktop: Explore the interface and design reports.

Power BI Service: Publish reports online and collaborate with others.

Security and Governance: Manage data access and apply role-level security.

Advanced Topics: Work with complex data sources, custom visuals, and paginated reports.

Performance Optimization: Improve report speed and troubleshoot issues.

Real-World Projects: Apply your skills through hands-on exercises.

Certification Prep (Optional): Prepare for Microsoft certification exams if desired.

Community and Support: Access a learning community and get guidance from instructors if needed.

Course Objectives

Job Opportunities After Completing the course

Completing a Power BI course opens up various job opportunities in the field of data analysis, business intelligence, and data visualization. Some potential job roles you can pursue include:

Salary prospects for a Certified Power BI Analyst

As businesses migrate to the cloud, they need professionals to lead and secure this transition. SOC analyst training can help people gain the necessary skills and credentials for this field. Certified cloud security professionals are in demand, and their salaries are competitive worldwide.

Average Salary
United States
$85,000 – $110,000 per year
United Kingdom
£50,000 – £70,000 per year
INR 6,00,000 – INR 10,00,000 per year
AUD 75,000 – AUD 95,000 per year
AED 120,000 – AED 180,000 per year
SGD 60,000 – SGD 100,000 per year

Who should take SOC Analyst Certification Training Courses?

Course Content

● Basic Report Design
● Power BI Desktop Installation
● Data Sources & Visual Types
● Canvas, Visualizations and Fields
● Get Data and Memory Tables
● In-Memory velocity Database
● Table and Tree Map Visuals
● Format Button and Data Labels
● Legend, Category and Grid
● PBIX and PBIT File Formats
● Visual Interaction, Data Points
● Disabling Visual Interactions
● Edit Interactions – Format Options
● CSV and PDF Exports. Tooltips
● Power BI EcoSystem, Architecture

● Slicer Visual : Real-time Usage
● Orientation, Selection Properties
● Single & Multi Select, CTRL Options
● Slicer : Number, Text and Date Data
● Slicer List and Slicer Dropdowns
● Visual Sync Limitations with Slicer
● Disabling Slicers, Clear Selections
● Grouping : Real-time Use, Examples
● List Grouping and Binning Options
● Grouping Static / Fixed Data Values
● Grouping Dynamic / Changing Data
● Bin Size and Bin Limits (Max, Min)
● Bin Count and Grouping Options
● Grouping Binned Data, Classification

● Creating Hierarchies in Power BI
● Independent Drill-Down Options
● Dependant Drill-Down Options
● Conditional Drilldowns, Data Points
● Drill Up Buttons and Operations
● Expand & Show Next Level Options
● Dynamic Data Drills Limitations
● Show Data and See Records
● Filters: Types and Usage in Real-time
● Visual Filter, Page Filter, Report Filter
● Basic, Advanced and TOP N Filters
● Category and Summary Level Filters
● DrillThru Filters, Drill Thru Reports
● Keep All Filters” Options in DrillThru
● CrossReport Filters, Include, Exclude

Stacked Charts and Clustered Charts
● Line Charts, Area Charts, Bar Charts
● 100% Stacked Bar & Column Charts
● Map Visuals: Tree, Filled, Bubble
● Cards, Funnel, Table, Matrix
● Scatter Chart: Play Axis, Labels
● Series Clusters & Selections
● Waterfall Chart and ArcGIS Maps
● Infographics, Icons and Labels
● Color Saturation, Sentiment Colors
● Column Series, Column Axis in Lines
● Join Types : Round, Bevel, Miter
● Shapes, Markers, Axis, Plot Area
● Display Units, Data Colors, Shapes
● Series, Custom Series and Legends

● Power Query M Language Purpose
● Power Query Architecture and ETL
● Data Types, Literals and Values
● Power Query Transformation Types
● Table & Column Transformations
● Text & Number Transformations
● Date, Time and Structured Data
● List, Record and Table Structures
● let, source, in statements @ M Lang
● Power Query Functions, Parameters
● Invoke Functions, Execution Results
● Get Data, Table Creations and Edit
● Merge and Append Transformations
● Join Kinds, Advanced Editor, Apply
● ETL Operations with Power Query

● Query Duplicate, Query Reference
● Group By and Advanced Options
● Aggregations with Power Query
● Transpose, Header Row Promotion
● Reverse Rows and Row Count
● Data Type Changes & Detection
● Replace Columns: Text, NonText
● Replace Nulls: Fill Up, Fill Down
● PIVOT, UNPIVOT Transformations
● Move Column and Split Column
● Extract, Format and Numbers
● Date & Time Transformations
● 4 Deriving Year, Quarter, Month, Day ~
Add Column : Query Expressions
● Query Step Inserts and Step Edits

● Creating Parameters in Power Query
● Parameter Data Types, Default Lists
● Static/Dynamic Lists For Parameters
● Removing Columns and Duplicates
● Convert Tables to List Queries
● Linking Parameters to Queries
● Testing Parameters and PBI Canvas
● Multi-Valued Parameter Lists
● Creating Lists in Power Query
● Converting Lists to Table Data
● Advanced Edits and Parameters
● Data Type Conversions, Expressions
● Columns From Examples, Indexes
● Conditional Columns, Expressions

● DAX: Importance in Real-time
● Real-world usage of Excel, DAX
● DAX Architecture, Entity Sets
● DAX Data Types, Syntax Rules
● DAX Measures and Calculations
● ROW Context and Filter Context
● DAX Operators, Special Characters
● DAX Functions, Types in Real-time
● Vertipaq Engine, DAX Cheat Sheet
● Creating, Using Measures with DAX
● Creating, Using Columns with DAX
● Quick Measures and Summaries
● Validation Errors, Runtime Errors
● Dynamic Expressions, IF in DAX

● Data Modeling Options in DAX
● Detecting Relations for DAX
● Using Calculated Columns in DAX
● Using Aggregated Measures in DAX
● Working with Facts & Measures
● Modeling: Missing Relations
● Modeling: Relation Management
● CALCULATE Function Conditions
● CALCULATE & ALL Member Scope
● Entity Sets and Slicing in DAX
● Dynamic Expressions, RETURN
● Date, Time and Text Functions
● Logical, Mathematical Functions
Running Total & EARLIER Function

● Connection with CSV, MS Access
● IF. ELSE..THEN Statement
● SUM, DATEDIFF Examples in DAX
● Time Intelligence Functions – DAX

● Power BI Service Architecture
● Power BI Cloud Components, Use
● App Workspaces, Report Publish
● Reports & Related Datasets Cloud
● Creating New Reports in Cloud
● Report Publish and Report Uploads
● Dashboards Creation and Usage
● Adding Tiles to Dashboards
● Pining Visuals and Report Pages
● Visual Pin Actions in Dashboards
● LIVE Page Interaction in Dashboard
● Adding Media: Images, Custom Links
● Adding Chs and Embed Links
● API Data Sources, Streaming Data
● Streaming Dataset Tiles (REST API)

● Dashboards Actions, Report Actions
● DataSet Actions: Create Report
● Share, Metrics and Exports
● Mobile View & Dashboard Themes
● Q&A [Cortanal and Pin Visuals
● Export, Subscribe, Subscribe
● Favorite, Insights, Embed Code
● Featured Dashboards and Refresh
● Gateways Configuration, PBI Service
● Gateway Types, Cloud Connections
● Gateway Clusters, Add Data Sources
● Data Refresh: Manual, Automatic
● PBIEngw Service, ODG Logs, Audits
● DataFlows, Power Query Expressions
● Adding Entities and JSON Files

● Import and Upload Options in Excel
● Excel Workbooks and Dashboards
● Datasets in Excel and Dashboards
● Using Excel Analyzer in Power BI
● Using Excel Publisher in PBI Cloud
● Excel Workbooks, PINS in Power BI
● Excel ODC Connections, Power Pivot
● Row Level Security (RLS) with DAX
● Need for RLS in Power BI Cloud
● Data Modeling in Power BI Desktop
● ÷ DAX Roles Creation and Testing
● Adding Power BI Users to Roles
● Custom Visualizations in Cloud
● Histogram, Gantt Chart,Infographics

● Need for Report Server in PROD
● Install, Configure Report Server
● Report Server DB, Temp Database
● Webservice URL, Webportal URL
● Creating Hybrid Cloud with Power BI
● Using Power BI DesktopS
● Uploading Interactive Reports
● Report Builder For Report Server
● Report Builder For Power BI Cloud
● Designing Paginated Reports (RDL
● Deploy to Power BI Report Server
● Data Source Connections, Report
● Power BI Report Server to Cloud
● Tenant IDs Generation and Use
● & Mobile Report Publisher, Usage

● Why Power Bi Service?
● Comparison Power BI Free & Premium
● Logging into Power Bi Service
● Interface overview
● Importing data from Desktop to
● Dataset menu
● Working on reports
● Dashboard overview
● Workspace & Gateways
● Installing Gateways – Personal &
● Working alone or collaborating with
● Collaborating in App Workspace
● Sharing the results
● Publishing the app
● Content packs from online services
● Power Bi Mobile Overview
● Excluding dataset from sharing

● Options for Publishing from Excel
● Pin Excel Elements to Power BI
● Analvze in Excel (Power BI Pro or
● Excel Publish: Upload and Export to
Power BI
● Sharing Published Excel Dashboards
(Power BI Pro or Premium)

● Real-Time Project
● Project Requirement Analysis
● Implementing SDLC Phases
● Requirement Gathering, FSA

Are you ready to take your career to the next level and become a Power BI expert?

Enroll in our course today and take the first step towards your career success!